This note was published in May 2014. A newer revision of the REMnux distro has been released since then. Please see the...Read more
Despite its age, Windows XP is useful to have in your IT lab, for instance if you need to experiment with older software or...Read more
In the past weeks I published several posts describing malware analysis tools and approaches at other blogs: Installing...Read more
This note was published in April 2013. A newer revision of the REMnux distro has been released since then.I’m pleased...Read more
It's becoming hard to obtain a licensed copy of Windows XP. Yet, many IT professionals, including malware analysts, like...Read more
This note was published in December 2011. A newer revision of the REMnux distro has been released since then.I’m...Read more
Incident responders and forensic investigators need to be careful when using 32-bit tools to examine file system artifacts...Read more
PDF files designed for infecting computer systems can include a malicious Flash/SWF program that's designed to aid in...Read more
Update: REMnux v3 is out! I’m preparing the next release of the REMnux Linux distribution. REMnux is a lightweight...Read more
When analyzing malware using behavioral techniques, it’s often useful to intercept network connections in your lab....Read more