Today is the 1-year anniversary of this blog. I began writing here as a way of motivating myself to devote attention to a broader range of information security topics. A few kind folks retweeted my announcement on Twitter a year ago:

I dared myself to post something meaningful every day. 370 posts later, I mostly stuck to that commitment in terms of frequency. I hope the quality has been up to par as well, but you be the judge of that.
As I wrote earlier, the practice of writing regularly has encouraged me to read more and is making it easier to tackle new writing projects. To ease the workload a bit, I decided to “cheat” a bit by posting a list of my favorite security reads of the week every Saturday and an interesting quote on Sundays.
Thank you to those who read this blog, and especially those who encourage me to write by leaving comments and by sharing the links to the posts you find useful.