Here’s a listing of my 5 favorite on-line security articles, papers and blog posts that I read in the past week:
- Vulnerable Insulin Pumps Demonstrate Pervasive Risks by Jon Oltsik
- Online, Is Dream Date a Scam? by Elizabeth Bernstein
- First Zeus, Now SpyEye – Look @ The Source Code Now! by Sean Bodmer
- Targeted Attacks Against Personal Gmail Accounts Part II - CNAS Report by Mila Parkour
- A Criminal Perspective on Exploit Packs by Levi Gundert and Marcel van den Berg (PDF)
Also, during the past week I published the following posts:
- Common Failures of Information Security Tools (Part 1)
- Common Failures of Information Security Tools (Part 2)
- Learning Malware Analysis Through Practice
- Similarities Between Riots and Modern Internet Hacktivism
- Enterprises Won’t Adopt Adobe Reader X Any Time Soon
Looking forward to next week!
For more recommendations, see my earlier security reads of the week.
Updated August 13, 2011