Here’s a listing of my 5 favorite on-line security articles, papers and blog posts that I read in the past week:
- State-Sponsored Spies Collaborate With Crimeware Gang by Dan Goodin
- Classic Chinese Defensive Propaganda by Richard Bejtlich
- Russian Black SEO ❤ by Mila Parkour
- Fake FBI Anonymous Psychological Profile by Carole Theriault
- Memories of the Nimda Virus by Paul Ducklin
Also, during the past week I published the following posts:
- Twitter Social Networking Among Information Security People
- Explaining Computer Security Terms to Ordinary People
- When Successful Security Measures Are Taken For Granted
- One-Year Anniversary of this Blog
- Controlling Adobe Acrobat/Reader JavaScript Support
Looking forward to next week!
For more recommendations, see my earlier security reads of the week.
Updated September 17, 2011